Paragliding pilots

We have the most experienced paragliding pilots in Peru. We have all the certifications and flight licenses necessary to perform passenger flights. Furthermore, our staff is always trained in flight maneuvers, rescue techniques and first aid.

Paragliding pilot: Roberto Robles

Paragliding pilot
  • Advanced Tandem Pilot APVL
  • Paragliding assistant instructor APVL
  • Cheff graduated from the Columbia Institute

Certifications and licenses for paragliding pilots

Being a paraglider pilot who is certified to carry passengers is not easy, since it takes many years of experience and the required licenses. The APVL, Peruvian Association of Free Flight issues the paragliding licenses in Peru. Mandatory to fly with passengers, the pilot must have the “Advanced Two-Seater Pilot” licenses. To obtain these licenses, it is necessary to have all the previous sports licenses, such as the Pilot, Advanced Pilot, Monitor, Basic Two-seater licenses. To do this, a pilot has to perform hundreds of flight hours in different flight conditions. You must also have practiced the sport for at least 3 years.

Being a paragliding instructor to carry passengers

Although it is not a requirement that a paraglider pilot is also an instructor to carry passengers, this is extremely important to give greater safety to the flight. Because a paragliding instructor is the most experienced sports professional, he or she can guarantee the best service and the greatest safety in flight for its passengers. We have already mentioned that obtaining the “Advanced Two-Seater Pilot” licenses is not easy, but obtaining the “instructor” license is much more difficult. In order to be a paragliding instructor, it is necessary to obtain all existing sports and professional licenses. In addition, the instructor must complete many hours of flight and have 500 hours of practice in teaching students.

Read more information about our paragliding rates and offers in Lurín